Requirements to a paper execution in specialised editions of
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts are based on the Requirements
approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Order #1111 dated 17.10.2012),
as well as on the Requirements of the scientometric database Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index.
Papers to publish in the journal, as well as accompanying documents must be reviewed. For this, please, submit a file with the paper to the editorial office or send it to editor2016@ukr.net.
Requirements to the file: Word, format: *.doc/*.docх/*.rtf. It must be titled with the author’s surname typed with Latin letters (e.g. Butko.doc; Butko.rtf).
1.PRINTED TEXT OF THE PAPER. Printed and electronic versions of the paper must be identical. The text must be thoroughly edited, revised and signed by the author. Mistakes are an author’s responsibility.
The text to type at one-and-a-half space; Times New Roman, 14 pt. Margins: 2 cm each side. Requirements to typing the text:
- Text justification;
- No change of a dash to a hyphen and vice versa is allowed;
- No labeling pages with numbers;
- Paragraph indention is 1 cm; no indenting with Tab/space bar is allowed;
- Semibold font and italic font are allowed; no underscoring;
- Bibliographic reference is to type in square brackets. The first number is the source number in the bibliography list, the second one is the page number. The source and page numbers must be divided with a colon. To mark a range of pages, use a dash with no space from both sides. Divide with a coma those page numbers which relate to the same source. Divide with a semicolon source numbers. For example, [4:25], [4:25-27], [4:25, 7:32-33; 12:16, 25], [4; 7; 12].
The paper may include graphic materials, such as drawings (must be submitted in a separate file), tables, etc. All non-text objects must be designed by means of Microsoft Word (Microsoft Excel Chart, Microsoft Equation). Photos must be in jpg, tif, cdr format, black-and-white if the paper is not paid for as a coloured one. All tables must be numbered and titled. All drawings and graphics must be numbered, titled, and submitted separately from the paper.
Minimum volume of the paper is 10 000 printed characters with no space marks or 9 pages (min 0.25 of an author’s sheet in accordance with the MESU requirements; drawings, tables are to calculate as well). Maximum volume is 40 000 printed characters (1 author sheet).
Element structure:
- UDC. Typed in a normal font, on the left;
- Surname and initials of the author. Typed in a normal font, on the left;
- Name of the establishment the author works at. Typed in a normal font, on the left;
- Title of the paper. Typed in a normal font, on the left; the author ought not to type the whole words in capital letters;
- Abstracts and key words (volume 800-900 characters and 5-6 key words after each abstract in an according language). The abstract text is to type in a normal font at single-space. Before each abstract the author’s surname and initials, as well as a title of the paper are to type accordingly in the Ukrainian, Russian, English languages.
Abstracts in English must be:
- Informative (with no words with general meaning);
- Original (not a loan translation);
- Meaningful (must conclude the main idea of the paper and results of the research);
- Written in a high-quality English language. Usage of translation programmes, as well as automated translation means is forbidden;
- Contain 5000 characters.
Abstract sample in English:
Background. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in...
Objectives. The objectives of this study are to determine | to prove...
Methods. So far this method was been applied to...
Results. The results of the research support the idea that...
Conclusions. The present results are significant in... | We conclude...
6. Text of the paper. In accordance to the Ordinance of the PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE COMMISSION FOR ACADEMIC DEGREES AND TITLES OF UKRAINE # 7-05/1 dated 15 January, 2003 the content of the paper must conclude the following elements (in a bold font):
- problem statement in general and its connection to important scientific/practical tasks;
- analysis of the latest research and publications which have begun to solve this problem and the author has based his/her research upon. Defining parts of the general problem which were not solved before and the paper is focused at;
- objectives of the paper (goal setting);
- research core material with complete grounds for the results of the research;
- conclusions and further research prospects in this area.
Bibliography. Subheading Bibliography is to write in a normal font. References are to give in alphabetical order and to number. Reference execution is according to the Bulletin of SCADT of Ukraine #3, 2008. All the quotations must have references. Referring to text-books, popular-science literature is unadvisory. Referring to one’s own publications can be accepted only when it is unavoidable. If an author mentions a researcher’s surname in a literature review or in the text of the paper, that publication must be given in Bibliography after the paper. Secondary citing is not permissible.
Academic referee report must be submitted along with other accompanying documents in accordance to Order of MES of Ukraine # 1111 dated 17.10.2012, articles 2.11 and 3.1. Post-graduate students and candidates for a doctoral degree must have an academic referee report written by a Doctor of Science. Candidates of Sciences must have it written by a Ph.D., associate professor or head researcher. The referee’s surname must be written at the end of the paper; it also must be typed in the Bulletin. An academic referee report must be certified as correct with a stamp by the personnel department. The paper with a referee’s signature is to be stored at the editorial office for 2 years.
See below an academic referee report sample: “Research by Surname and full name, title, is performed in accordance to the requirements of SCADT and recommended to be published as it has novelty in … Referee: Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, associate professor of Mariupol Tehnical University surname and full name”.
The form contains information on an author and co-authors, at that, articles 1-5 must be filled in the Ukrainian, Russian, and English languages. See the example:
- Surname, name, and patronymic of an author (authors) *;
- Academic title*;
- Academic degree*;
- Place of work, position. *Present a full name of the establishment, department or another subdivision; abbreviation is not permissible;
- Business address. *Building number, street, city/town, region, country, postal code;
- Office telephone number and email. If a personal office telephone number and email are not available, an author ought to present another way to contact him/her;
- Home address: building number, street, city/town, region, country, postal code, home and mobile telephone numbers, email;
- Field of research and scientific interests: present a subject of your research or fields of study;
- Information on an author: reference to an author’s personal website or profile on social media (if available, optional);
- Title of the journal where the paper will be published along with the head.
(If there are co-authors, one joint application signed by all the co-authors must be submitted). Submitting the application, an author (co-authors) declares that the paper has not been published before and is not under the review process in any other publishing house. The authors show their general consent in a written form for the paper to be published specifically in a publication of KSADA.
Here is an Application Sample:
To the chief editor of the scientific
publication Bulletin of Kharkiv
State Academy of Design and Arts
Professor V.Ya. Danylenko
I hereby confirm that the paper submitted to publish in Bulletin of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (hereinafter - Bulletin) titled Development of the environmental design in the city of Adagio (12 pages) is my intellectual property; it has not been published before, neither it is under the review process in any other journal.
I am aware of the requirements which authors must meet when submitting and executing their papers for a journal and agree for my paper to be published in the next issue of Bulletin in accordance with the line set by the editorial board. I also consent to using the paper in electronic databases Bulletin registered in.
« __ » __signature_ 2014 ___surname___I.I. Ivanov
- An author sends a full set of documents (or hands it in personally) to the address: 8, Chervonopraporna st., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, editorial office. Working time: Mon-Fri, 14.00 – 16.00 pm. For information call: +38 (057) 706 15 63;
- When the paper is proved to meet general requirements, provided that a full set of documents is presented, the paper is sent for the internal referee report and undergoes an internal editor’s alteration;
- Editorial board reserve the right to a slight editing/reduction of the paper, at that both major results of the work and a writing style remain as they are;
- In case editorial board members – science editors in according areas –have questions to an author on the paper, the author gets it back to refine/correct it.
Webpage of the Academy’s scientific publications:
Postal address of the editorial office:
8, Chervonopraporna st., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Head of the Printing and publication department:
Tel. (057) 706-15-63