Irina Volodymyrivna
Adviser to the Vice-Rector
from GDR HDDM on training
NPK of the highest qualification,
candidate of architecture,

Olena Oleksiyivna
Head of the department
graduate school and
doctoral studies at HDADM
On the basis of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts there is a full-time postgraduate course (full-time (day and evening) and correspondence courses) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 443 from 21.04.2016).
Training of graduate students is carried out both on a contractual basis, as well as by state order for specialties:
- 023 Creative Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration ONP Creative Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration (accredited);
- 022 Design ONP Design (accredited).
Licensing scope (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 443 from 21.04.2016) is:
- 023 Creative arts, decorative arts, restoration - 10 units;
- 022 Design ONP Design - 10 students.
Addresses:3rd building of the KDADM, vul. Mistetsv, 8, aud. 208.
E-mail: aspksada@gmail.com
Phone: 706-21-03