Bulletin of KhSADA is a scientific publication which addresses current problems in theory and history of arts, design, fine art, cinematographic, theatrical, musical and choreographic arts, and others, as well as some interdisciplinary spheres related to them. The journal is meant for post-graduates students, academic degree seekers, lecturers and researchers, all readers interested in art. Published bimonthly. It was launched in 1999 and included in the list of the specialised publications in study of art since 2002 (re-registed accordint to the order #747 of MES of Ukraine, dated 13.07.2015).
The digest is specialised in study of art (vote of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of Ukraine, 2010. - #3. – P. 5). It is registered in ISSN International Centre (Paris, France): ISSN 1993-6400 (Print), ISSN 1993-6419 (Online). It has been introduced in the international info bases Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and Index Copernicus (Poland) since 2014 [http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=50456]. Bulletin is annotated and displayed in the following data bases: Dzherelo (Ukraine) [http://www.irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgibin/ irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe]; National annotation data base Ukrayinika naukova [http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/db/ref.html].
Orest Golubets (Chief Editor), Doctor of Study of Art, professor, Lviv National Academy of Arts of Ukraine;
Viktor Danylenko (Deputy Chief Editor), Doctor of Study of Art, professor, the Rector of KhSADA, Associate fellow of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine;
Leonid Machulin (Executive Editor), Candidate of Philosophy, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
Zoya Alforova (Executive Editor), Doctor of Study of Art, professor, dean of
cinema and television faculty, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture;
Bednarek Yezhy, Doctor of History, Institute of the National Remembrance
of the Republic of Poland (Poland);
Oleksandr Boychuck, PhD in Arts, professor, Design department, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
Olena Honchar, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
Tetiana Yermakova, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor,
Department of pedagogical and foreign philology, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art;
Tetyana Kara-Vasylyeva, Doctor of Study of Art, professor, leading
researcher of Art History institute, M. T. Rylsky Institute of Art, Folklore Studies and Ethnology Institute, Associate fellow of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (Kyiv);
Larisa Levchuk, Doctor of Philosophical Studies, professor (Kyiv);
Peter Luckner, Doctor of Philosophy of Design, Honored Professor of KhSADA, Director of the Institute of Ecological Aesthetics (Halle, Germany);
Marcin Jaworski adjunct professor, PHD Habilitated of Humanities in Art Studies, department of Art Edukation in the Art Institute of the Faculty of Fine Arts of N. Copernicus University (Torun, Polska);
Oleksandr Romanovskyi , Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, associate fellow of National University of Pedagogy of Ukraine, National Polytechnic University “KhPI”;
Roman Sapenko, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, University of Zielona Gуra (Zielona Gуra, Poland);
Nadiya Sbitneva, PhD, professor, dean of Design faculty, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
Oleksandr Smagin, Doctor of Study of Art, professor, Minsk Institute of Modern Knowledge (Republic of Belarus);
Ludmyla Sokolyuk, Doctor of Study of Art, professor, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts;
Andriy Chebykin, President of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, professor, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine;
Elzbieta Basiul, Dr of sciences (in art), professor, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Nicolas Copernicus (Torun, Poland);
Haci Yakup Öztuna, PhD, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dokuz
Eylul University (Izmir, Turkey).
© Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, 2018