Iryna Volodymyrivna
dean of the Faculty
of environment design,
candidate of architecture,
In 1963, when the KhDHI was reorganized into the KhKhPI, the institute was reoriented to train specialists in the arts and industry. The faculty, now called Environmental Design, was originally called Building Decoration, and since 1965, Interior and Equipment. The first head of the department was Associate Professor V. Konstantinov. Then - Associate Professor Yu. Starostenko. Now it is headed by Associate Professor A. Oleksienko.
By order №203 of 24.12.63, two specializations were approved at the faculty: design of cities, public and industrial buildings; design of exhibitions, celebrations and performances. The first admission to the new specialty was made in 1963. A. Zubkov, A. Kramarenko, N. Bikulov, P. Taiber, G. Koren, V. Cherenkov, V. Opanasenko, T. Cherni were enrolled in the first year. Students who were admitted to the KhDHI in 1962, since 1963 - studied according to the curriculum of the new specialty. Since 1965, students have been admitted to the Faculty of Interior and Equipment, and in February 1970, the first dean was elected. He became an associate professor V. Siromyatnikov.
During the training of specialists in the specialty "Interior and Equipment" constantly included tasks for the development of decorative and thematic paintings. That is why, later, a workshop of monumental and decorative painting was created and in 1970 it was the first issue of specialists in this field. The head of the workshop was first Professor E. Egorov, then Professor O. Khmelnytsky. Finally, in 1984, the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting was opened, headed by Associate Professor O. Pronin.Due to the fact that the institute had highly professional teachers in the field of fine arts, the institute made many efforts to preserve these traditions and restore easel specialties, the production of which was temporarily suspended in the early 1960s. Thus, since 1974, within the new faculty, specialists in the specialization "Architectural and Decorative Plastics" have resumed training. Head of the Department "ADP" - Associate Professor V. Volovik.
In 1988, the specialties "Easel Painting" and "Restoration of works in art" were opened. Initially, specialists in the specialty "RTM" trained at the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting, and then - at the Department of Painting. Later, a specialized department "Restoration of easel and monumental painting" was opened. in 1993 the specialization "Design of artistic and decorative fabrics" (later - "Artistic modeling of fabrics") was opened at the Department of IO. In 1998 the specialization "Artistic modeling of clothes" was opened. To improve the professional level of these areas in 2000, the Department of Artistic Modeling of Fabrics and Clothing was established, which combined both specializations. At that time the department was headed by Cand. S. Nikulenko of Art History, then Associate Professor O. Omelchenko, now it is headed by Professor G. Tishchenko. In connection with the development of furniture production in Ukraine and the growing demand for designers in this profile since 2000, the specialization "Furniture Design" was opened. And in 2004 the Department of Furniture Design was established. This department was headed by Cand. arch., associate professor N. Tregub.In the same year, 2000, in connection with the establishment of a new faculty of fine arts at the KhDADM, three specializations - "Easel Painting", "Monumental Painting" and "Easel and Monumental Sculpture", were transferred from the Faculty of Interior and equipment "to the newly formed faculty" Environmental Design ".
The departments of the faculty have 6 educational laboratories, which contain equipment for the relevant educational process, a computer laboratory. The six departments of the faculty have 55 teachers and 16 employees, including: doctors of sciences, professors - 3, candidates of sciences, associate professors - 27, Honored Architect of Ukraine - 1. The faculty has 319 full-time students. Over the years of its existence, the Faculty of Environmental Design has trained in 1895 specialists, including 52 masters.