To ensure the fulfilment of the Academy’s statutory activity two collegiate authorities were established, namely Academic Council of the Academy and Academic Councils of departments. Academic Council of the Academy is a collegiate authority of the Academy and is elected for a term up to 5 years.
Order on The Staff of Academic Council of the Academy (.doc)
Academic Council of the Academy deals with the following:
- Considering major matters in organizing the educational process, research, creative activity, economical and social development of the Academy;
- Presenting a draft Regulation, as well as amendments and annexes at the conference of the Academy’s staff;
- Approving the Academy’s financial scheme and report;
- Recommending for publishing educational, learning and teaching, scientific publications;
- Within the bounds of their competence dealing with foundation, liquidation, and re-organisation of departments, research chairs, and laboratories of other education and research units;
- Considering regulations on departments, centres, and other education and research units;
- Lodging initiatives to the Rector as for dismissal of deans;
- Lodging initiatives to the Rector as for both appointment and dismissal of Deputy Rectors, Scientific Secretary, and chief accountant;
- Considering a structure of the department and research unit;
- Electing chief librarian by means of secret voting, as well as lodging initiatives as for his/her dismissal;
- Electing both Heads of Chairs and professors by means of secret voting;
- Introducing a reasonable motion on the termination of the Rector’s office at the conference of the Academy’s staff;
- Approving the curriculum;
- Approving resolutions which concern organizing the educational process;
- Approving main directions of both research studies and exhibition activities;
- Evaluating research-and-education activity of the structural units;
- Taking decisions on candidatures for conferment of the degree of associate professor, professor, senior researcher;
- Conferring honourary titles of the Academy to great artists, scientists, and public men;
- Governing directions of usage the funds of scientific-and-technological and social development, as well as those of material incentives;
- Considering the matters of the land-use;
- Approving the annual budget of the Academy;
- Granting state decorations to members of the Academy staff, conferring them to honourary titles, granting them state and other bonuses;
- Granting scholarship to A grade students;
- Considering other matters which do not contravene the Regulation.
Academic Council is managed by its Chairman which is the Rector of the Academy.
Scientific Secretary of the Academy deals with organizing Academic Council’s activity, monitoring the implementation of their decisions, as well as coordinating their interaction with the structural units. To be appointed Scientific Secretary of the Academy one is to be a salaried employee and to have both an academic degree and academic rank.
Academic Council consists of the holders of such offices as:
o Deputy Rectors;
- Deans;
- Scientific Secretary;
- Chief librarian;
- Chief accountant;
- Leaders of the Academy authorities.
Academic Council consists of the elected representatives of such staff members as:
- Academic staff;
- Research fellows;
- Other staff members;
- Leader of the Academy student authority.
Elected representatives of academic staff, research fellows, and other staff members are elected by means of secret voting at the Academy staff conference according to recommendations of the structural units they work at.
Academic staff must represent at least 75% of the total amount of Academic Council members. As for elected representatives of those who study at Academy, their number must be at least 10% of the total amount of Academic Council members.
Elected representatives must comprise at least 50% of the total amount of Academic Council members.
Elected representatives of those who study at Academy are elected at the conference of the Academy students.
Meeting of Academic Council is considered to be legally valid if not less than 2/3 of the total amount of Academic Council members are present.
Resolutions of Academic Council are put in force by the Rector’s Order. Scientific Secretary is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of how resolutions are realized. In due course he reports the results of the monitoring to the Chairman of Academic Council.
Interim/standing commissions are formed within Academic Council on the following directions:
- Staff policy;
- Educational and methodological activity;
- Legal foundation of the activity and standing order;
- Research;
- Optimization of the structure of the Academy;
- Budget, social and economic, housekeeping activities;
- International cooperation.
Academic Council of a department is a department collegiate authority.
Academic Council of a department is managed by its Chairman which is the dean.
Academic Council of a department consists of the holders of such positions as deputy dean, heads of chairs, leaders of department authorities, leaders of department student authorities, as well as of elected representatives of both academic staff and other full-time employees at the department, elected representatives of those who study at Academy. The number of all the representatives is according to the quota determined by Academic Council of a department. At that the academic staff of the department must comprise not less than 75% of the total amount of its members, while elected representatives of those who study at Academy must comprise at least 10%.
Elected representatives are elected at the general meeting of the labour collective of the Academy according to recommendations of the structural units they work at. Elected representatives of those who study at Academy are elected by its highest student authority.
Meeting of Academic Council is considered to be legally valid if not less than 2/3 of the total amount of Academic Council members are present.
Academic Council of a department is authorized to perform the following tasks:
- Defining general directions of research at the department;
- Appointing lecturers, senior lecturers, associate professors, and the dean by means of secret voting;
- Lodging initiatives to the department general meeting as for dismissal of the dean;
- Lodging initiatives to the Rector as for appointment of deputy deans;
- Approving the curriculum and lesson plans;
- Solving questions which concern organization of the educational process at the department;
- Approving the financial plan and financial report of the department;
- Hearing Heads of Chair’s reports, as well as recommending individuals to the position of Head of Chair at the department;
- Considering both foundation and development of training and production facilities for vocational preparation of students;
- Considering possible changes in the structure of the department, as well as foundation, re-organisation and liquidation of the department’s chairs, making suggestions as for the structure of research units;
- Recommending research works to be included into the course schedule of Research and Development of the Academy;
- Recommending research work projects for participation in the contests of various levels;
- Hearing an annual report on research works at the department;
- Considering other matters which do not contravene the Regulation.
Resolutions of Academic Council of a department are put in force by the dean’s Instruction. Resolutions of Academic Council of a department can be cancelled by Academic Council of the Academy.