Department of Design of Environment was formed at KSADA in 2018 with the aim of optimizing the organizational structure of the Academy as a result of the association of 2 departments: "Design of Interior", which has a 55-year history of development in the structure of the higher educational institution KAII - KSADA and department "Design of Furniture", which was formed in 2000.
Address: KSADA, 8 Mystetstv St., 2rd building, 4th floor.
Telephone: +38 (057) 706 02 46
Design studios;
Exhibition, museum and fair centers;
Design departments;
Design groups in architectural and construction companies;
Designer of interior, furniture, art objects;
Developer and organizer of production of elements of improvement;
Designer of light and colour ensembles and information systems;
Designer of festivals, forums, fairs, showcases, theatrical performances;
Artist-decorator of the TV studio;
Specialist-designer assistant;
Head of a design group or a design firm for reconstruction and restoration design of objects of interior and city environment;
Design of the interior environment of stores, shopping centres, industrial enterprises, hairdressers, salons, cafes, hotels and restaurant facilities, children's institutions, gymnasiums, colleges, academies, universities, administrative, office and medical institutions, cultural and artistic objects, tourist complexes, exhibition spaces, improvised-museums;
Corporate design;
The solution of the issues of organization of private plots and urban public spaces;
Design of residential and public architecture objects;
Architectural and construction companies;
Reconstruction and restoration design of urban environment.
Principles of composition and design graphics;
Principles of interior and furniture design;
Material studies and technology in the design of the subject-and-space environment;
Principles of ergonomics;
History and theory of environmental design;
Principles of production skills;
Computer technology (simulation);
Design of light and colour ensembles and information systems;
Revitalization of the historical environment / reconstructive-restoration;
Interior design;
Design of festive environment (festivals, forums, fairs), art design.;
Principles of architectural composition and design graphics;
Landscape architecture and dendrology;
History of contemporary art, landscape architecture and urban planning;
Architectural and landscape design;
Energy-efficient technologies in architecture;
Architectural ergonomics;
Urban ecology and Land art;
Inclusive architecture;
Renovation (restructuring) of objects of development and territories;
Theory of interior and furniture design;
Methodology of organization of research work (in specialty);
Principals of the theory and methodology of design;
Conceptual design (on the specialty);
Innovative and traditional technologies in the design of interiors and furniture / formation of the object of environmental design;
Renovation of interiors and restoration of furniture / reconstruction of interiors and furniture revitalization;
Ttheory of landscape design;
History and modern techniques of landscape design;
Engineering of environmental design objects / detailed design of objects of environmental design;
Art objects in the interior / art objects in the architectural space;
Principals of photo-composition synthesis / photodesign;
Conceptual design;
Principals of information design;
Principles of visual communications.

Performed by the student YU. Dobrovolska

Performed by the student A. Ruskina

Performed by the student YE. КRUKOV

Performed by the student D. Khalina

Performed by the student V. Minin

Performed by the student Shola Aiazi Kyzy

Performed by the student Sin Siaosi

Performed by the student P. Ukolov

Performed by the student R. Samsonian

Performed by the student Khe Chankhun

Академік, член Національної спілки художників України. Учень професора Б. Косарєва. Народний художник України, академік, член національної спілки художників України. У 2001 р. заснував Інститут проблем сучасного мистецтва Академії мистецтв України, який здійснює фундаментальні наукові дослідження. Автор кращого проекту V Міжнародного фестивалю мистецв.

1979 р. – закінчив ХХПІ з відзнакою. Член Національної спілки художників України. Член спілки дизайнерів України.Член-кореспондент Академії мистецтв України 2003 р. Неодноразовий лауреат міжнародних конкурсів та виставок. Арт-директор фірми «ArtTec» (Харків). Спеціалізація: дизайн середовища. Предметний дизайн.

2005 р. – закінчив ХДАДМ. Приватний підприємець, студія «Слєпцов дизайн» — клуб «Арізона», Харків; розважальний комплекс «Карнавал», Харків; кафе, ресторани котеджі і т. ін. у Харкові, Балаклеї, Києві, Белгороді (2005-2010). Працює в галузі дизайну і архітектури в Кувейті, Ливані, Дубаї, Харкові (2010-2017).